Would anyone interested in helping to check all the hedgerows etc. formerly shown on a 1955 21/2" map in just one sample 10 km sq let me know. Aerial photographs of the entire County prepared every decade are available for reference and could be used to supplement the ground survey. K.Adams (County plant recorder.) 63 Wroths Path, Baldwins Hill, Loughton, Essex. Letter to the Editors. Sirs, Please would you inform me whether I should report the sighting of 1 house mouse at the General Meeting No. 1204 of the Club at the North-East London Polytechnic, Stratford precinct, to the Club Mammal Recorder, the local pest control officer or both? Yours faithfully, Florence Caldwell. Natural History at Writtle College 1973-74. As members who attend our meetings will know the Writtle Agricultural College Natural History Society is still thriving with perhaps some of the largest attendances of any society in the college. In the current academic year our speakers have included Bob Cowlin, talking on badgers and David Scott who made us realise that more Page 19