attention must be paid to conserving our limited but very interesting British reptile population. On the practical side the students have again made three trips to Fingringhoe Wick Nature Reserve to complete the construction of a freshwater lagoon for waders. On one of these trips we were fortunate enough to observe a bearded tit around our diggins. The bird survey on the college farms is being planned for the summer term (1974) and the Society has offered to undertake the maintenance of the three wild gardens in the village of Writtle which were in danger of being lost because lack of maintenance was making them a nuisance to local gardeners . We look forward to the continued support of Field Club members at our future meetings. Many of our indoor meetings are included in the Club programme card and details of our other activities may be obtained from the Secretary of the Natural History Society c/o The Students Union, Writtle Agricultural College, Writtle, Chelmsford, CM1 3PR. Graham Watson N.D.H. ********* REPORTS OF PAST CLUB MEETINGS. Mycological Report 1973. The Main foray was held in Epping Forest on August 7th and placing this at an earlier than Page 20