also an abundance of holly trees, but they all lacked berries. We joined the Forest Way at its beginning - west of the Wake Arms and just north of the A121. Passing Woodredon Farm, we skirted a ploughed field - our first of many experiences during that day of walking on heavy rain-sodden soil which clung to boots and made walking more difficult. The Way turned northwards and we passed Oxley Wood on our right. The ground began to rise sharply. At the top of the hill we walked across a green through the village of Upshire where walls and houses displayed many notices - "No MI6 here". We turned onto the road for a short while and found a dead grey squirrel on the verge. At Copthall Green we turned north again onto common land and gradually got clearer views of Copped Hall. Only the shell of this imposing house remains. It was built in 1753 to John Sanderson's designs, but was enlarged and added to c.l895. On our Forest Way maps, which we had all been given at the beginning of the walk, a viewpoint is marked and we had a splendid view of the Hall. We continued generally northwards until we came to Cobbin's Brook. Page 25