along the edge of Ape's Grove Wood to Lambourne Place and then south to Lambourne Church again. Here we turned on to an old trackway (now a little used bridle path) deeply sunken in places leading us back to Hainault Forest and the cars via the holes of an abandoned badger sett. At least 28 woodland, waterside and hedgerow birds were noted included pellets of Kestrel and Barn Owl. Of interest were two species of pin moss and a bright pink Myxomycete which will be sent off for identification. Total distance walked - 7 miles. Ron Allen. . Meetings - Summer 1974 Following appeals for records of areas within the development areas of southern Essex, many of the Club meetings this summer are designed to gather information from selected areas. All records will be submitted to the Nature Conservancy towards their South Essex Survey which it is hoped will be strategic to the siting of roads, new towns and other development in Essex, Page 29