especially with respect to Maplin Airport and Maplin City. ******** The Meeting to Slimbridge on 5th May will be by coach which will leave Chelmsford at 7:00am and collect people en-route for London. If we fill a coach the cost per person will he £1.50 plus the entrance fee (45p, children 25p). The Wildfowl Trust at Slimbridge" (Glos) started by Peter Scott houses one of the largest collections of wildfowl with 2500 birds of 140 species. We will see them in their full breeding plumage amongst the daffodils. There is a restaurant and shop, exhibition and observation towers. The leaders recommend 'A Coloured Key- to the wildfowl of the World' by Peter Scott guide to the reserve (30p) which may be purchased there. As the coach has to be booked well in advance please notify your intention of coming well beforehand. N.B. By 15th April at latest. The evening astronomy meeting on 19th September is a new Club"venture. From the vantage point of Chigwell Row we will point out any planets, comets, constellations and satellites visible. If you have them please bring binoculars, opera glasses or telescopes. If the evening Page 30