Forthcoming Meetings Summary (contd) Date. Interest. Meeting. Leader. 13 Oct. Gen. Manningtree M.T.Parker & R.Stour. 20 " Mamm. Colchester D.Scott & Horkesley Areas. ******** Kohoutecks' Comet. Did you see it? I led a family expedition to the heights of Chigwell where there was an excellent view across the South-westerly horizon and a clear sky. Venus was shining brightly with Jupiter alongside but no, not s sign of the Comet. Did anyone see it? Perhaps they would write and tell us about it. Ron Allen. ********* Do not forget to book early for the Slimbridge visit, the sooner the better and preferably now. ********** The Essex Way is the name of a 50 mile long series of linked footpaths establish- ed by the CPRE. Leaflets, each describing small and easily walked sections of the way with maps are available from the East Anglia Tourist Board at 14 Museum Street, Ipswich,Suffolk. Rambles have been popular with the Club this winter. Would somebody like to lead some winter rambles along the Essex Way? *********** Page 33