Displays and Exhibitions, A large display was mounted in the Foyer of the Chelmsford and Essex Museum for 1 month which featured a continuous recording of the dawn chorus, much to the annoyance of the keeper. Dagenham Public Libraries have circulated a table mounted display among three of their libraries. For two weeks we had a large display in the ante- room of South Hornchurch Library featuring various activities of the Club. During 1974 we will mount displays at Havering Festival Show (20-23rd June) and at the Dagenham Town Show 13—14th July). Also at several other local shows around the county. Our display material needs erecting and manning. If you have a car with a large boot, are good with hammer, nails and lengths of string or would like to assist in any way please contact Ron Allen for free tickets and further information! If your town or village has a show where we might erect a display, please also let the Secretary know. Page 36