SUBSCRIPTIONS Owing to inflation, increase in costs of Publications, the Bulletin, Essex Naturalist, Programme, Postage, etc. the Council has recommended that the subscription rates should be increased. The recommendations were put to a Special Meeting held on 4th August, 1974 and these were approved. Subscription rates have remained unchanged since 1966 and it is now essential that these new rates come into operation from 1st January 1975, It is hoped that all members will continue to give the Club their fullest support by attending meetings, both indoors and field meetings. Please also endeavour to publicise the Club and enrol one or two new members. The new Subscription rates are as follows:- Annual Subscription for Members £3.00 Pull-tine students £1.00 The second and subsequent members os the same family residing in the same house, who are willing to forego individual copies of the Essex Naturalist, may each pay an additional subscription of £1.50 Affiliated organisations approved by the Council pay a minimum subscription of £3.00 In order to facilitate the collection of subscriptions, I would ask every member who pays by Standing Order to complete the enclosed Bankers Order Form and forward it direct to their Bank, Members who do not at present pay by this method are asked to consider doing so as it greatly reduces the work involved in the collection of subscriptions. M.T.PARKER President.