Page -5- both and I do not think that in any sense the Field Club could be submerged. Many people, when they join the Trust ask - "Do you have outings?", and I say "No" and they look rather surprised and I say that they should join the Field Club for that," Cowlin: Do you think that there is a case for more cooperation or integration between the Trust and the Club? Masefield: This has come up several times. I think that we have said that we would possibly like to integrate with the Trust, I think that was said several times when I Has President. But there is the reciprocal case; Would the Trust like to, not cooperate but to amalgamate, if you like, with the Field Club? I don't think this is so. The Trust is against corporate membership, and it would then have to make corporate membership for the Colchester Natural History Society, the Southend and London Natural History Societies - Where does it stop? So I think that they are watertight compartments. Any liaison between the two would be I think on a scientific basis. The Trust wants scientific evidence and the Field Club I think can give it. The Field Club probably will not get much from the Trust.