Page -14- till Sunday afternoon., when they were looking at Whitecliff Bay, We spent a happy tine bashing up bits of rock. Unfortunately I had forgotten to bring a hammer, so I had to use a piece of rock, this led to three broken finger nails and a bashed thumb. On the Monday we studied Shanklin Beach, well the others did, I just enjoyed the walk and the view and the thought that I was getting tanned. It was after lunch that I struck lucky at Ventnor. I was getting rather bored sitting down all the time bashing stones and stated so. Of course, the next stone I picked up and broke open contained a large ammonite, well large to ne, about five inches across. Having been told by Mr, Coates to tap the rest of the rock away carefully, we dispersed. Later, after purchasing a hammer, I began to tap away as carefully as I could, which meant bits of rock were flying about all over the place and the doorstep was a mass of white dust, I'd got quite a bit of the surplus rock off when suddenly the ammonite broke, not quite in half. It left ne very disappointed, I'd broken the first ammonite I'd ever found. When I took the pieces apart, I found a lump of something inside, it was almost spherical in shape and rough in texture, I managed to pull this out and realized that it was much heavier than the rest of the ammonite, I didn't like to break it open in case it was a casing of some other creature. Upon returning home I consulted another expert who told me that through the process of nucleation, iron and sulphur had dissolved in water and formed crystals, more and more formed till this nodule appeared. Upon breaking it open now, it was shimmering gold, fool's gold the expert told me. Anon.