Page -24- iate your assistance in the survey. Yours faithfully, Sally Hughes. Copies of the questionnaire are available from Ron Allen, Soil Survey, Writtle Agricultural College, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex. Annual Report of the Geology Group. 1973 Once again the Group has had a successful year. Breaking with tradition the group had two rambles of a geological ae well as of a general nature. One of the outstanding events was the most informative lecture given by Dr, P, Wallace on 'The Geology of Wine'. We trust that it was the lecture rather than the broaching of the bottles which followed that made this lecture memorable. The Weekend which as usual was a great success, was held at Bristol, and we are indebted to Andrew Frazer and Ron Alien for the preliminary investigation and even more so for the actual trip where we were able to collect from and study a varied sequence of rocks. Later we had a trip around the Ipswich and Felixtowe area where under the leadership of Peter Allen and Bob Markham we visited the Red Crag deposits. In conclusion we would like to thank all those that led our excursions, for without their help and knowledge we would not have been able to see what we did.