Page -29- Meeting to Epping Lower Forest. 2nd. June 1974. We met near St. Margarets Hospital, Epping and split into two parties, of botanists and Ornithologists respectively. Time t/as spent in a small clearing and at the Lake, while after lunch we walked to North Weald Station via Rood Street Railway Bridge and the 'Essex Way' through Gernon Bushes and Birching Coppice. Clearing at TL472031. to the south of the North Weald Road, This is used as a car park during weekends and is subject to people and car wheels at this time. The clearing is in semi-mature woodland of oak with silver birch, willow and hawthorn around the edge. Low common gorse forms a fringe to the clearing with birch and hornbeam regeneration. Between this and the mown area is a fringe of coarse grassland and low herbs where clumps of soft rush, heath bedstraw, tormentil, louse-wort, scabious and bulbous buttercup were typical plants. The overgrown ditch alongside the A122 provided brookiine, burdock and cow parsley amongst others. The Lake, is an area of shallow open water with a small wooded island. The pondside verge has birch regeneration with hawthorn, oak, willows and rushes. The shady areas have a large flora with rose, ivy, wood Sanicle, wood speedwell and black bryony, amongst the 20 recorded flowering plants. The marshy ground around the pond has male fern,. creeping jenny, figwort