Page -30- water plantain, water mint, lesser spearwort, water forgetmenot and bog Stitchwort amongst 13epp recorded. There are overhanging willows and the island has a mixed stand of hornbeam, birch and horse chestnut. The water violet was common in the shallows with greater reedmace and pondweed. Abundant pond animals testified to the good condition of the pond, A variety of plants were noted in the ramble in the afternoon. At TL495029 a three horned dung beetle was found by Stephen Hodgson, This has been determined by our Recorder for Beetles as Typhaeus typhoeus L, The full report of this meeting including bird notes has been sent to the Nature Conservancy and the County Recorders, Ron Allen, General Meeting 1209. 23rd, June 1974c Mill Green and High Woods near Fryerning. This year the Presidents Meeting was again held on Mill Green and in High Woods, 42 members attended, on what began as a dull day and finished in a blaze of sunshine. The large party assembled on the Green and was divided into an Ornithological and Botanical group. The Ornithologists were rewarded with close views of Redpolls with young, Tree Pipits feeding young and an excellent view of a Reed Bunting, On the Green they were able to see a Willow Warbler's nest close to the ground. This nest had previously been found by the President about a week earlier; the young bird had flown.