Page -31- In the afternoon the group made its way through High Wood and it was noticed that most of the Oak Trees had suffered attacks of caterpillars - the leaves in some trees being stripped. Other trees, including Sweet Chestnut and Aspen has equally been affected. A Spotted Flycatcher was watched for a short time and every member could not have failed to notice flocks of Great, Blue and Longtailed Tits feeding on the Caterpillars presents A Common Whitethroat, Chiff-chaff and Black Cap were also heard. The Botanists recorded Lesser Spearwort, Smooth Tare, Vicia tetra sperma. Vicia Craca - Hedge Woundwort and numerous Stink Horns, An unidentified Boletus was also found. Tea was taken in Fryerning Parish Room and after a short discussion on our finds the Meeting closed at 5 P«m. A total of 38 birds were either seen or heard during the day. The full list of plants noted has been submitted to the Botany Recorder. M.T.Parker.