Page -32- General Meeting to Curtismill Green 7th July. 1974. Leader M. Parker. 45 members and friends attended this meeting on a fine sunny and warm day. This was the second meeting at Curtismill Green this year. The Records of this meeting have been sent to the Nature Conservancy as this is an Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) At this time of year most birds are beginning to sing less and less. The birds therefore had to be looked for. In spite of this, the Chiff-chaff, Willow Warbler, Blackcap and Lesser Whitethroat were all heard. Curtismill Green is an area where one can always see Tree Sparrows and members were able to see these at close range. Five of the tits were also recorded; these being the Willow Tit, Long Tailed Tit, Coal Tit, Blue and Great Tit, A Kestrel was seen by one group in the afternoon session. At the end of the meeting 36 different birds had been either seen or heard, A record of plants was also made. One interesting plant was Jacobs Ladder - Polemonium caeruleum, a plant normally found on limestone. This must have been a garden escape, A Comma butterfly was also seen. M. Parker,