Page -35- Notes of Future Club Meetings Wildlife Colour Slide Competition. Friday. 28th February. 1975 at 8 p.m. Several short talks on wildlife photography will be followed by a competition of colour transparencies of British Wildlife. Judges have yet to be appointed but judging will include technical quality as well as difficulty of subject natter. The type of camera will also be taken into account. Competitors may enter up to three slides (35mm) in each of the following catagories: Mammals, Birds (but not at nest) Reptiles, amphibians and fish Insects and other invertebrates Flowering plants and trees Non-flowering plants (fungi, mosses, lichens, etc.) Please bring your slides to the meeting 1/2 hour before the start or send them to Ron Allen at Soil Survey, Writtle Agricultural College, Chelmsford, The Chelmsford Camera Club have been invited to this meeting to be held at County Education Centre, Broomfield Road, Broomfield, Chelmsford,