Page -36- The Mammal Jug. This annual trophy will be presented again after the Mammal Group AGM to be held at the Suntrap Field Centre, High Beech on 8th March, 1975. The competition will be for "the most interesting experience with mammals". Competitors will have to give a short talk but can illustrate as necessary, e.g. photograph, sound recording, specimen, etc. So why not come along and tell us about your most fascinating experience? Please try and inform the Secretary two weeks before, if you will share your experience, to give an idea of the number attending. Despite the activities of the Mammal Group we still have little knowledge of bats in Essex. Vivian Veal who has previously studied bats in Devon and who is now Warden cf Parndon Wood Nature Reserve, has accepted our invitation to talk to tie Club at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, l9th March, 1975. The talk will be held in the Reserve Centre at Parndon Wood, Harlow, where we will also be able to see something of the work of this educational nature reserve. Directions to the reserve are in the programme card.