MENU (As offered to a new and untutored member At the Colne Valley meeting on 11 May '74) HOUS D'OEVRES A pleasant venue, a beautiful fresh morning, happy and pleasant faces. ENTREE A large helping of country lane, as many wild flowers as wanted, fresh air, many brains to pick. SWEET A feeling of freedom and Jack of haste SAVOURY So much to see and learn and to look forward to, ENTERTAINMENT Birdsong, particularly in this case by Wren, Chiff-Chaff, Willow Warbler and Cuckoo. Mrs. Cocker. Published by the Essex Field Club as the Passmore Edwards Museum,Romford Road, London, E.15. Editorial Address: Ron Allen and Bob Cowlin, 16 Bruce Grove, Chelmsford, Essex, (Telephone Chelmsford 60242).