SQUIRRELS IN ESSEX by Stephen Harris I intend to publish a paper in 'The Essex naturalist' on the past history and present distrib- ution of both red and grey squirrels in Essex. Before the final draft of this paper is submitted I would like to make a final appeal for records and information. Two of the maps to be included in the paper, showing the current distribution of both red and grey squirrels, are included in this Bulletin (Centre spread). The records are plotted on a 1-km. square basis. As can be seen from the grey squirrel map, a large number of records have been obtained, but as of yet three 10-km. squares are lacking records for this species (TQ57, TR09 and TM21). Records for these squares would be particularly welcome, but any rec- ords for new 1-km. squares would also be most useful. The red squirrel just hangs on in Essex, but is on the verge of extinction. Confirmed records have been made since 1970 for Woodham Halter Golf Course, Colchester, St. Osyth and Little Oakley. Unconfirmed records also exist for northern Essex and around Halstead. Further reliable records for this species are needed, especially records since 1970. Any old records relating to last sightings of red squirrels in an area, arrival of grey squirrels, etc., would also be invaluable. Would anyone with any records or comments please contact me at: Department of Zoology, Royal Holloway College, Englefield Green, Surrey TW20 9TY. ********** Page 9