REPORTS OF MEETINGS A REMINDER TO ALL MEMBERS It would help leaders of meetings if members would let the leader know at least a week beforehand if they are proposing to attend. This enables the leader to arrange transport for those who either have no means of transport, or find it difficult to use their own. It also helps if those attending would advise a leader if they have any spare seats available. 17th March 1973 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The AGM of the Essex Field Club was held in the Conference Hall of the County Education Centre, Broomfield, on the 17th March. Members and friends, including 4 past Presidents of the Club attended this meeting. The Report of the Council and the Treasurer's Statement of Accounts nere received and approved, and the new Council and Officers elected. At the end of the formal business, the new President, Mr. M.T. Parker, took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting. A number of Members shewed various exhibits and there was a display of the Club's activities during the past years; these included a badger study, geological specimens, the work of the Mammal Group and Ornithological reports. The retiring President, Mr. P. Glassborow, gave the audience a most interesting Address, "Reminiscences of an Essex Beekeeper", this also included a film. Many questions were asked, and this shewed how interested the audience were in the subject of the address. After tea the members were able to look at the Exhibits and Displays. Page 12