6th May 1973 MILL GREEN AND HIGHWOOD It was exactly a year ago that members of the Field Club attended a meeting at Mill Green. In contrast, this year was dull, cloudy and some rain in the morning. This did not deter 45 members from attending. Once again a group heard the nightingale and were able to see the bird and identify it. The meeting was divided into three groups, one looked at the badger setts, another recorded flora, and the remainder went in search of birds. The afternoon session was spent in Fryerning Parish Room when recordings of bird—song were played; these included birds seen or heard during the morn- ing. After official business, each group reported on their activities. Amongst interesting birds seen and heard were a tree pipit, a male and fe- male blackcap, willow warblers, chiff chaffs, a heron in flight, long-tailed tit, cuckoo, urens, yellow hammers and house martins. The oak trees, sweet chestnut, silver birch, larch and hornheam were just at their best, fresh and green. One interesting plant found was Lazula sylvatica. It is a great pity that the badger setts shewed little or no activity; in previous years theae setts have been active. At the end of the day, 28 different species of birds had been recorded, a good total for such a well-attended meeting. An excellent tea was enjoyed by all the members. Mike Parker Page 15