12th May 1973 WRITTLE — Introduction to Trees. 38 members assembled at 3.00pm at the Writtle Agricultural College and spent a very pleasant three hours wandering in glorious sunshine around the grounds under the expert guidance of Graham Watson of the Horticulture Department. Lack of time pre- vented our seeing all the grounds but we were shown a great variety of trees, both native and introduced, cultivated and wild. Native trees were seen in the region of the moat of the site of King John's Palace, while many other ornamental evergreen and deciduous trees were seen in the grounds. Of part- icular interest was the demonstration of trees planted to illustrate the range available for town planting. Ron Allen 13th May 1973 HAINAULT FOREST — Spring Ramble 18 members of the Club participated in this meeting and were rewarded with an interesting day. The morning was notable for the number of birds seen and heard, 28, as we walked through trees and open ground toward the lake. An unrecorded badgers' sett was found and some members saw a weasel with a vole in its mouth, hurrying away to eat it. In the afternoon we walked to a lesser used part of the forest, and were rewarded with a more varied plant life, seeing the three-veined sandwort, wavy bitter- cress, bog Stitchwort and the yellow pimpernel. To round off the day we saw a yellow-crested cockatoo perched in a tree; it has apparently been seen in the area for about a year. Surely a unique ending to a successful meeting. Maureen Tollfree Page 16