19 - 20th May 1973 DUSK AND DAWN IN EPPING FOREST For several years members have been asking for a dawn chorus meeting. We assembled at the Suntrap Field Centre at High Beach on the edge of the Forest variously between 2.00 and 3.00pm and erected tents kindly supplied by the Centre in the large field behind. By 3.45 Peter Glassborow was leading us through the forest in a circular route through Suntrap Plain across Fairmead Bottom and back via Whitehouse Plain. Slight rain deterred the butterflies and other insects but we heard a number of birds singing and discussed beekeeping and the impending demolition of the Owl public house as we went. It had stopped raining by the time we got back when the kettles were near boiling in the lean-to near the tents. The cooks retired to the larder while we made tea and buttered bread. Goon immense tins of things and a variety of spices and curry powder were being poured into a cauldron over three gas rings while some of us got through double and treble helpings a fire was lit to burn the rubbish and boil the water for washing up. Soon David Corke of the Mammal Group arrived back at the tents to find a large fire burning. It was a warm night and we sat talking around the fire drinking hot chocolate and eating toast ingeniously cooked over the fire. Ken Hoy then took us back to the Suntrap to see some slides, mainly of insects to be seen in and around the forest, and there was some discussion on the identification of the various insects shown. The night proved to be very warm and we were all up by 4.00am to hear the first blackbirds and last owls calling. While water was boiling for coffee, Page 17