slide show and for allowing the use of the facilities at the Centre with acknowledgements also to the London Borough of Newham. Ron Allen Birds heard or seen: Crow Chiff chaff Pheasant Jackdaw Willow warbler Mallard Starling Garden warbler House sparrow Jay, Magpie Black cap Linnet Hawfinch Mistle thrush Spotted flycatcher Greenfinch Song thrush House martin Lesser redpoll Blackbird Swallow Bullfinch Robin Swift Yellowhammer Dunnock Wood pigeon Tree sparrow Wren Turtle dove Huthatch Cuckoo Tree creeper Greater and Lesser spotted Woodpeckers Great, coal, blue and marsh tits Green woodpecker Total: 41 25-28th May 1973 BRISTOL Geology Group Weekend For this year's Geology Group Weekend, new ground was broken, especially by those with geological hammers! The venue was Bristol and the surrounding district. Nearly thirty members came on the trip and were housed in the Hotel Clifton, a comfortable place not far from the famouse bridge, over which we both walked and drove in due course. Saturday's outing started off at Aust Cliff, just under the Somerset end of the Severn Road Bridge, and here we found exposures of the Triassic beds, Rheatic and Lias, and thick strata of Keuper marls both red and green. Soon specimens of the rocks and their mineral and fossil contents were being taken, and there was much discussion of the geology. After lunch, taken in the sunshine by the road- Page 20