During the weekend, notes were made of the birds seen. Hike Parker's report is appended. Roy Masefield Note on the Birds seen on the Bristol Trip: By Monday, the 28th May, the party had seen or heard 52 different species of birds. There were few birds about when we visited Aust Cliff, however members did see a heron in flight near the Severn Bridge. Near the lunch site, blackcaps were heard in full song. The Barnhill Quarry provided nesting sites for jackdaws and starlings. It was here that we heard the Chiff chaff and willow warbler. Later on in the day at Tortworth Copse a nightingale was heard. On Sunday, 27th May, at Portishead, a lesser Whitethroat was heard singing from the cliff face. Dundry Hill provided the first kestrel noted. At Kilmersdon Colliery tip, which seemed to dominate the fields nearby, a tree pipit was seen and heard singing from the top of an oak tree; Nearby a green woodpecker uttered its plaintive 'yaffle'. Monday — Cheddar Gorge — here there were too many cars for attention to be paid to the birds. In contrast, at Ebbor Gorge we noted some of the best bird song of the weekend, robins, chiff chaffs, goldcrest, song thrush, blackbird, blackcap and willow warbler. During the weekend we visited many different habitats, and a total of 52 birds was a good reward for such an interesting weekend. One bird that was only notiiced three times was the cuckoo. Mike Parker Page 23