3rd June 1973 DANBURY COMMON It was a fine and sunny day for this meeting attended by 26 members. During the morning members were able to hear a nightingale, blackcap and garden warbler at close range. Very soon during this part of the meeting lesser and common Whitethroats were seen; their songs were also compared; these two birds were present in various parts of the Common. After lunch the Backwarden Reserve was visited. We made ourselves known to the Warden who was shewing another party around the reserve. Additional birds recorded were chiff chaff, willow warbler, turtle dove, cuckoo, — this last was seen in flight. A small group of tree sparrows were heard, but were difficult to see. On the Common linnets were seen and heard. At the, end of the meeting it was reported that 31 different birds had been seen and heard. The brimstone butterfly, a click beetle and frog- hopper were also pointed out. Many members were able to see various Veronica spp.in flower, heath bedstraw, Potentilla sp.,wood sage, and amongst shrubs, the alder buckthorn was noted. Some very large oak-apple galls were seen on one oak tree. In all this was a well attended and very enjoy- able meeting for all who attended. Mike Parker 22nd. June 1973 GALLEYWOOD COMMON This was an important meeting for the Field Club in view of the fact that this area is now under threat from the Maplin Report. Page 24