24th June 1973 TIPTREE HEATH The sun shone all day for the 33 members and friends who attended this meeting. During the morning ramble, members were able to see many linnets, at close range, both males and females; yellow hameers, as well as blackbirds and song thrushes were heard in full song, un the way back for lunch a kestrel was watched, and also young willow warblers being fed. After lunch was taken, another part of the heath was visited, when all were able to hear the fine song of a garden warbler. Other birds located by song and also seen were common Whitethroat, gold- finch, greenfinch and chaffinch. A record was kept of some of the plants seen. These were as follows: alder buckthorn; heath orchid; two kinds of Potentilla; field pansy; milkwort; two kinds of St. John's wort; bell heather; cross-leaved heather; heath bedstraw; kidney vetch and goatsbeard. A number of butterflies, including small heath, small whites, meadow brown were also recorded. Two common lizards were noticed by one observant member. At the end of a most enjoyable meeting it was noted that 33 different species of birds had been seen or heard. Mike Parker 6th. July 1973 PINCEY BROOK, HEATHEN WOOD This was a joint meeting hold with the Harlow Wildlife Society, and. attended by 27 members (18 from the Essex field Club). It was fine and sunny for the period of the meeting. The party made its way along Pincey 3rook from Sheering Hail, noticing on the way the road works of the M11 Which will destroy part of the route members took. Page 26