Reed bunting were in full song, and seen on both sides of the brook. A kingfisher was recorded and seen twice by a number of members. In the reed- raarsh reed warblers were seen, and a single sedge warbler was also heard. The songs of both were com- pared. Other birds ween were small flocks of tree- sparrows, goldfinch and greenfinch. A blackcap was heard very clearly whilst the party sat on the edge of heathen Wood. A total of 25 birds were seen or heard. A number of ringlet butterflies were seen. Two enthusiastic members were busy recording insecta from the hedgerow, and in Heathen Wood. At the end of the meeting Mr. and Mrs. Gregg were thanked for having led a most enjoyable and interesting meeting Mike Parker Additional list of Plants: Geranium dissectum Myosoton aquaticum Carduus acanthoides Stachys palustris Veronica anagallis- aquatica Rhamnus cathartica, Hypericum hirsutum Melandrium noctiflorum Galium uliginosum Juncus subnodulosus Malva neglecta Myosotis arvensis Vicia cracca Vibernum opulus Cut-leaved Cranesbill Great Chickweed Welted thistle Marsh woundwort Water speedwell Common buckthorn Hairy St. John's wont Wight-flowering Catchfly Pen bedstraw Blunt-flowered rush Dwarf mallow Common forget-me-not Tufted vetch Guelder rose Martin Gregory Page 27