9. the reds, three feet away, were suddenly surging out like children out of school. All the same intensity, all the same order in chaos, all the nudging and en- couraging of unwieldy giants as they prepared for the sudden take-off, like colonising astronauts who knew their destiny. Those who describe such a happening as a 'nuptual flight' cannot be far wide of the nark, for to watch it is to be aware that here is a great send off, a well wishing on the grand scale. The two colonies in our yard of grass are not usually in evidence. They live orderly and discreet lives it would seem, a few feet away from our own fortress, out of sight and out of mind - unless of course I happen to be around about 2.30pm on a hot sunny afternoon in August 1975! Eric Hooper. AN ORNITHOLOGICAL RECORD. On Tuesday 28th November 1974 after a couple of days of very wet weather I saw two Waxwings in my garden* perched in a cherry tree. They stayed for about two hours without moving. I was able to approach quite close and use binoculars and could seethe crest on the head, the yellow band on the tail and the red and white bar on the wings. I have never seen them before but because of their tameness was able to get a very good look at them. Mrs E.Saunders, * Hyde Lane, Danbury, Essex, by stream running under Chalk Bridge.