15. Your Bulletin. The Field Club Bulletin has had a somewhat chequ- ered history with a variety of cost cutting efforts and change of printers, but it has almost always been well received and supported by the membership. Members may be interested in the production of this and the last issue. It has been up to the joint editors to prompt and cajole likely authors for articles and we have been pleasantly surprised by the amount of material that comes in of its own accord,so to speak. Once the material is in it requires reading, checking and typing before one starts to think about printing. The last issue was cut onto stencils and duplicated by Mr Smith one of our members. Meanwhile a carton of envelopes was distributed to two other members who addressed them all. Duplicated sheets and envelopes then came together at the home of Mrs Daniels along with a number of helpers who on an ad hock assembly line collated the pages, stapled them in the middle, folded them, added the loose sheets and finally put them in the envelopes. The Post Office very kindly stamped them for us. This issue has been done slightly differently. The Editors again collected or wrote the material and then one of them spent a weekend typing them out on a borrowed typewriter onto A5 paper ready for camera at the Boudicca Press in Chelmsford. The printed sheets by the time you read this will have been assembled and posted in much the same way. Neither of the editors are typists and they are sure that there must be a skilled typist within the Club who could give some assistance. Similarly neither of us are artists and we require illustrations for the cover. Similarly we need the use of a living room and a cont- uous supply of tea and coffee to sustain the assembly crew. If you can assist in any of these ways the Editors would be most greatful. Please keep the copy flowing too, legible handwriting is fine. Offers to Bobron, 16 Bruce Grove, Chelmsford, Essex.