17. 1. Sparrowhawk. Bred Park - 5 young fledged success- fully. Adult seen rarely - hunts upstream of River Roding. 2. Kingfisher. Bred Park but unsuccesfully. First nest raided by children ... second attempt at same site ... deserted due to human disturbance. Seen regularly in park all year. 3. Lesser Spotted Woodpecker. Frequently seen. 5 Juv- enilesseen. 4. Blackbird. As with song thrush a very poor year, nearly all nests raided or deserted. Few young seen. 5. Heron........... may breed in 1975. One bird found dead from airgun wounds on Lincoln Island. The main survey will cover the following groups. If anyone is able to help with keeping records I would be pleased to hear from them. Likewise if anybody wishes to record a group not listed below. Botany: Flowering plants, including grasses. trees and bushes, ferns, horsetails and clubmosses. mosses and liverworts, lichens and fungi. Zoology: Birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians, macro-lepidoptera and beetles, insects with aquatic connections (eg. drag- onflies and Stoneflies). Spiders. Others: Plant galls. Please send all records to Mr C.W.Plant. Wren Conservation Group, c/o 62 Dover Road, London E.12. NB Please bear in mind that the survey is of Wanstead Park — not of Wanstead Flats!