18. PLAYING LEAPFROG IN THE HIGH STREET .. ....is certainly something not to be done today, but this is the title of the cover photograph of 'Ages in the Making' a limited distribution soft back book by our member Ruth Phillips and Rosamund Bazett. The book is a history of two Essex villages of Great and Little Waltham, a record of actual people who lived in these villages and their ancestors. Information is gleaned from local archaeological investigations, from early documents and in the final chapter from interviews with the elder members of the villagers today. The story is given of one Roger Poole who in the 16th Century purchased a local farm only to have it seized by the Crown shortly afterwards since it was part of the Charity lands. He later took the opportun- ity to regain the farm only to be unpopular with the village who thought the land was still theirs. This led to the seizure of 7 of his cows. In 1556 armed rioters attacked the farm only to disperse with the arrival of Lord Riche's Constables. The land was later put in trust for the good of the village. The sequel to this story is that the book was printed with great care by C.W.Poole and Sons Ltd of Victoria Road Chelmsford who are direct descendants of that same Family. This excellant book by R.Phillips and R. Bazett is priced at £1-40 and is available from Clarkes the Stationers in Chelmsford or from any local postoffice. If in difficulty please contact Ron Allen (Club Secr.) who will do his best for Club Members. Ron Allen. There are still a few copies left of 'Discovering Thurrock' a book on the antiquities and history of Thurrock produced by the Thurrock Local History Society, being a guide to the area. 80p to the Club Secretary.