21. Northern humour. He was one of many distinguished Presidents which it has been the good fortune of the Essex Field Club to obtain. RECORDING THE SEMI-NATURAL HABITATS OF ESSEX. Since the appeal for recording by Dr Adams in a recent bulletin a number of members have been doing some valuable work and a good number of parishes and 10km OS squares have been examined. This involves the recorder driving, walking or cycling his parish and noting on a 21/2" OS map the presence or absence of the hedges, woods and ponds shown on the map. Hedges and woods now gone are coloured brown; Hedges and woode remaining in green; Woods now coniferous cross hatched; Watercourses without hedge are coloured blue; Each pond is examined and a note of its condition made; If infilled whether by man or ingrowth of vegetation; If sterile whether because of pollution, junk or overshading by trees, if supporting plants whether there is open water or much marginal marsh. Botanists can further record the dominant plant species. The changes in semi-natural habitat since the map was produced can be determined. All these observations can be made without specialist knowledge. Maps are available but many people prefer to have their own. Forms for pond recording are also available. Any-one interested in recording their own area might contact Ron Allen at the address on the meetings card or write to Dr K.Adams at 63 Wroths Path, Baldwins Hill, Loughton, Essex. Tel.01-508 7863. It is important to get the colour code correct and make sure an area does not get recorded twice!