22. ESSEX FIELD CLUB MYCOLOGICAL REPORT 1974. In a year that produced more new records and re- discoveries than any previous year since our records were started, it is not surprising that the Autumn forays were a great success* The main foray which was held in August took place just before the long wet spell arrived and so was not quite as productive as the later Recorders' Meeting. However a good range of species was recorded, including such uncommon species as Leccinum (Boletus) duriusculus Leccinum quercinum; Boletus calopus and an abundance Of Mutinus caninus. A total of 45 species were recorded but it was at the Reorders' Meeting in October that the best finds were made. A part of the Forest not often searched - St.Thomas' Quarters - was carefully examined and produced such prizes as huge Helvella lacunosa in abundance in a ditch only a few yards from a clump of Helvella crispa. The latter species has occured in hundreds throughout the Forest this year in contrast to the usual paucity of specimens in previous years. Other finde included a new Inocybe for this area - I.hirtella which has a distinctive smell of marzipan; Hebeloma sinuosum - a large tan coloured species and Hebeloma sacchariolens with a strong sickly odour; Pholiota myosotis; Leccinum variecolor;Leccinum roseo fracta; Laccaria bicolor and Cortinarious cinnabarinus. A total of over 90 species was recorded. Our thanks are due to the Staff of the Epping Forest Conservation Centre for the use of their facilities and to Mrs Boardman for her invaluable help. Mrs Boardman and my self were certainly hardpressed on both occasions to examine and name all the specimens which arrived at a tremendous rate - a tough test of our mycological abilities! G.Kibby.