REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Mammal Group Meeting, Curtismill Green, 19th May 1974. The Mammal Group met at Curtismill Green on May 19th to look for signs of mammals. Longworth Traps were set the evening before but as expected the catch was poor for at this time of year small mammal pop- ulations are low. However a long tailed field mouse, a common shrew and two bank voles were caught. During the ramble around the area two grey squirrels were seen and signs rabbit were evident but only one being seen. It was hoped to sec something of the small heard of Fallow Deer which frequent the area but only one was seen, this being a fallow buck which was spotted by one of the deer experts in the party and his son. Foxes and badgers are known in the area in general, although no setts or earths are to be found on the Green itself. One Badger sett about 1 mile northwest of Passingford Bridge and three miles from Curtismill Green is known to be in current use and others in active use are within a five mile radius. A number of mole hills were recorded but there appeared to be little sign of stoat or weasel. Other observations in the area included large numbers of Orange Tip butterflies and the sound of cuckoo and Chiff Chaff dominated the birdsong. D.R.Scott. Thorndon Park, Brentwood. 22nd September 1974. The weather forecasters proved to be wrong for this meeting which was attended by 28 members and friends. After the previous very wet day this Sunday turned out to be dry and sunny. After a very short tine members were soon either looking for fungi or watching for birds. The birds were very quiet and had to be looked for, but within 15 minutes of the start of the meeting we saw and watched a group of Redpolls. These birds can be recog- nised by their flight call - 'twit twit' and if one