25. this stage of the walk numerous Swallows and House Martins were still to be seen. Lunch was taken in the shelter of the sluice gates, which provided shelter from the northerly wind and a heron and kestrel were seen nearby. In the afternoon members walked along side the River Stour, in the sunshine, towards Catta- wade. The tide had not gone out sufficiently to attract waders; in spite of this Dunlin, Redshank, Ringed Plover and a single Sheldrake were seen. All members saw more than one cormorant in flight. At the end of the meeting, 25 birds had been seen a good total for such a successful and enjoyable meeting. M.T.Parker. Mammal Group Meeting to Layer-de-la-Haye. 21 Oct. 1974. This meeting of the Mammal Group was held in conjunction with the Colchester Natural History Society at Kingsford Marsh Reserve, Layer-de-la-Haye, Colchester. (TL9744211). The plan was to study the animal population of the reserve and 41 Longworth Small Mammal Traps wore set resulting in 19 catches as follows: 6 Bank Voles, 4 Common Shrews, 2 Short Tailed Voles, 7 Wood Mice or Long Tailed Mice. A Harvest Mouse nest of the summer type was found in a rush area about 20" above ground level. One Grey Squirrel was seen and evidence of Fox, Mole, and Water Voles along the bank of the Roman River which borders the reserve, were also found. The party about 16 strong exchanged notes on the bird-mammal records, the Colchester people being mainly ornithologists. The morning was fine and the meeting provided a good opportunity of meeting naturalists from this area of Essex and enjoying an informal and most interesting ramble. D.R.Scott.