26. General Meeting No.1212. Tilbury Marshes; Saturday 21st September 1974. About 14 people turned up for this meeting which met at the car park by Coalhouse Fort, East Tilbury. One car went to the wrong fort at Tilbury, but arrived at the right one before the party moved off. The party went west along the foot of an embankment which had what looked like old railway sleepers on the top of it; then turned south and down to the sea wall. People then split up singly and into small groups and wandered on the salt marsh on the other side of the Sea Wall towards Coalhouse Fort. As we drew nearer the Fort it started raining lightly. After looking at plants growing around a pond near the party returned to their cars for lunch. It rained heavily while having lunch. After lunch it was decided not to go out on the marshes again because of the rain. Instead we looked at the Church and Churchyard on the opposite side of the road to the car park. In the Church it was pleasant to see the Rector helping to decorate for Harvest Thanks- giving. The meeting broke up earlier than usual because it was such a wet afternoon. Interesting plants seen during the day included the Sea Milkwort, Sea Arrow Grass, Bucks Horn Plantain and Wild Sage.