27. Mammal Group Trapping Meeting November 10th 1974. The Mammal Group held a small mammal trapping meeting at New House Farm, Great Bromley, Colchester on November 10th 1974. This was held in conjunction with the Colchester Natural History Society and some 35 members in total were present. About 45 Longworth Small Mammal Traps were set in a marshy area of some 10 acres in the middle of an arable farming area. Traps were laid in the foll- owing habitats: marsh with reeds and grass, Headland of a sugar beet field, edge of a pond, bramble bushes. Species caught and released were; 2 bank voles, 11 Long tailed field mice, 1 house mouse, 1 short tailed vole. 15 total The occurence of the house mouse was of great interest as these are rare in the county areas, especially on this small reserve which is a good half mile from any buildings at all. Local members reported on the bird life of the reserve and reports included common sandpiper and little grebe. D.R.Scott. Chelmer Canal Boxing Day Ramble 26th December 1974. A dozen or so members braved a wet morning to walk along the canal from Chelmsford to Little Baddow, a distance of 5 miles. The weather cleared in the afternoon but a persistant strong wind continued, luckily in the right direction making walking easy. Of interest were the massive tubers of the common reed washed up on the banks, up to 3ft long. Ron Allen.