28. In Search of Wildlife. February 14th 1975 (Friday). A number of members had a very pleasant evening as guests of Mr and Mrs and Andrew Barrow listening to Bob Cowlin talking on his travels in South America and Africa and illustrated with superb colour slides. While enough people attended to make the meeting worthwhile it was a pity that there was not more responce from local members. Ihe meeting was held in Hornchurch as we have many members that way, many of whom heard of the Club at the Havering Show and it was for these that the meeting was arranged. If Hornchurch members would like more local meetings next winter then perhaps they would write to the Secretary and tell him so. If you would like to offer the use of a living room for similar indoor meetings elsewhere then please let us know. Dagenham, Brentwood, Loughton and Chelmsford are possible areas. Ron Allen. Blackwater Estuary 22nd February 1975. Some 45 members and friends met at Heybridge Hall on a misty but rapidly clearing morning. The mist soon cleared completely and for a February day we soon found coats unnecessary. Flooded gravel pits between Maiden and the Heybridge Basin provided many birds of interest. Some 20 cormorant were standing on the islands along with a solitary heron. Mr Parker notes also, Pochard, Tufted Duck, Little Grebe, Pintail, Mallard, Mute Swan, and Coot. The Saltings towards Goldhangar between the tides provided numerous Shelduck, Redshank, abundant Dunlin and large numbers of Brent Geese along the water line. Several Goldeneye were seen and oystercatchers were displaying. Calls of Oystercatcher and Redshank were well heard and also of the Chaffinch near the car park. A single Kestrel was seen and many skylarks. Hares were seen in the fields and Fox droppings