30. Notes on the meetings. 1975. There is a field outing each weekend this Summer apart from August. Some meetings are very popular so please inform the leader how many of you are coming so arrangements may be made for things like car park- ing or teas, especially if we are on private land. On Sunday April 13th we will be pond dipping for newts etc. and examining badger setts . May 4th will see us on a private wooded estate, superb woodland for Spring migrants. May 11th, a chance to visit the famous reserve of Wood Walton Fen - open to all members. May 18th the first of Mr Parkers bird rambles. They need no further introduction - always popular: Sunday 25th May Small mammal trapping and road deaths survey - can you tell a vole from a shrew or mouse ? 14-15th June A chance for Naturalists to show their stamina and powers of endurance. Assemble at various badger setts as notified by the leader in advance to those who have notified him. Badger watch, followed by a motorised Fox ralley to estimate Fox populations the easy way! A barbeque in a barn will be followed by a early morning deer watch finishing at Brentwood in time for members to join Mr Parker's birds and general Natural History Meeting at Curtismill Green for the rest of the day! June 21st. A chance to learn your grasses and visit to a plant breeding station at Kelvedon. July 6th a visit for interesting plants to Cambs. July 27th Tiptree Heath for birds at Strawberry picking time (but after the meeting please)! September 14th. Annual Epping Forest Fungus Foray Come and learn your fungi. Bring a basket to collect them in. Assemble afterwards at the E.F.Conservation Centre for identification, display and tea - very popular meeting. A seed tray or large poly bag will do, failing a basket or mushroom basket! 21 Sept. A chance to learn your trees in Hylands Park. Details of all other meetings in the Progr.Card.