33. Forthcoming meetings summary. 1975. Please see programme card for further details. 13 Apr. Amphibians & Badgers, Writtle, R.Cowlin. 20 Apr. Geology P.Allen. 4 May Birds South Weald I. Misselbrook. 11 May Botany Wood Walton Fen K.Adams. 18 May Birds and Gen.Nat.History, Mill Green M.Parker. 25 May Mammals West Wood R.Allen. 1 June Botany Stour Wood & saltings K.Adams. 7 June Geology Derbyshire P.Allen. 14-15 June Badgers/Deer/Foxes/Barbeque D.Corke. 15th June Birds and Gen.Nat.Hist. Curtismill. M.Parker. 21 June Grasses Kelvedon I.Misselbrook. 29 June Botany Widdington J.Fielding. 6 July Botany Hildersham, Cambs. Miss Bassom,Mrs Morris. 13 July Geology Marks Tey P.Allen. 27 July Birds Tiptree Heath M.Parker. 7 Sept Birds Manningtree M.Parker. 14 Sept Fungus Foray Epping Forest Mrs Boardmen. 21 Sept Intro. to trees Hylands Park. A.Boniface. 28th Sept Geology Sevenoaks, Kent P.Allen. 5th Oct Fungus foray Mill Green M.Parker. 19th Oct Small mammals Lopham Fen D.Corke. 2 Nov Coast birds Goldhanger M.Parker. Please bring a packed lunch to all meetings. Please notify the leader that you are coming. If you require a lift please contact the leader. If you can offer a lift please notify the leader. Any member may attend any meeting and visitors and guests are only too welcome. Leaders, please let the Bulletin Editors have your report as soon as possible after the meeting. Ideas and suggestions for the Winter Programme are welcomed by the General Secretary.