1. RONBOB'S EDITORIAL Welcome to the Autumn '75 Bulletin. We hope you enjoy this edition with the illustra- tions! As the printing is done by litho, there's no extra cost in making plates, so if you think of writing us an article, or even a meeting's report, please also let us have a drawing with it. (Pen line drawings are best.) And please let us have more copy - the next issue will be going to the printers in mid February. We are very glad to see that the Essex Flora is now published. It really is a splendid volume. Even non-botanists will appreciate it as an invaluable reference work for its introductory chapters contain data not available in one volume elsewhere. And for botanists, it must become a very coveted publication. (For details see back cover.) Our thanks to contributors, especially Geoffrey Kibby for the splendid seasonal cover, to Anne Holden for the typing, and to Maureen Tolfree who has again tackled the horrible job of addressing the envelopes. END OF RONBOB PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Page Amendments to Club Rules 2 Obituary - T.H.C. Bartrop Esq. 3 Glacial History of S.E. Essex - P. Allen 4 1975 Weather - J.L. Fielding 8 Decticus albifrons - R. Allen 9 Plants on Tiptree Heath - A. Boniface 11 A Forgotten Corner - E. Hooper 16 New Members 25 Reports of Meetings 26 Forthcoming Meetings Summary 32