17. but he doesn't know it yet". As indicated, my nodding acquaintanship with the field began geologically. It is bounded on one side by the river, so that its lower acres are liable to flood, while the upper part is bounded by a track just clear of normal flooding. One old hedge leading from the river coincides with a parish boundary, and in the summer of 1972 I had taken note of a compacted exposure of large pebbles which ploughing had revealed in the headland down in that corner. Early in 1974 I noticed that along the track bounding the upper acres of the field was a patch of stones and pebbles for denser than was warranted by the generally thinly stoned character of the surrounding alluvium. I had thoughts of boulder clay or alluvial gravel, and applied my somewhat limited geological experience to some of the stones. The variety of size, shape, and mineral content was apparent at a glance, and one was reminded of the Lea Valley gravels, or the gravel exposures on view during the construction of the new Passingford Bridge, not so many miles away. Apart from white quartz up the four inches long and some quite bulky Bunter quartzite bearing semi-dreikanter characteristics, as well as the more usual ovoid shapes, there was a great variety of flint in every stage of colour and derived form, one or two being almost as fresh as if picked out of a Cambridgeshire chalkpit. Just a few stones transported the imagination far afield to Northern England, Scotland, even Scandinavia. But this area seemed suspect, for the patch was quite well defined, and the general area of disturbed soil around not heavily charged with pebbles. The time had arrived for maps to be tracked down, and this entailed visits to the local library, the municipal offices, and in particular, the Records Office at Chelmsford. Clearly a farmhouse had stood on the site. The David and Charles reprint of the First Edition of the One Inch Ordnance Survey established that "DOVES" was sited here around 1800; and a temporary exhibition at the geo- logical Museum, S.W.I, happened to include an enlarged