18. reproduction of the same area from an O.S. sheet of 1801, this indicating the farm buildings differently, and with no name. A larger scale was needed, and the E.R.O. produced a book of Loughton Parish setting out "Rent Charges in Lieu of Tithes in 1850" which included plans on a scale of about twenty inches to a mile, so that Doves, though unnamed, was portrayed in reasonable detail. The 25 inch O.S. Sheet of about 1870, shows the buildings, modified, but apparently still standing, again not named. The status of the farm would seem to have declined after 1800, for its neighbour Pigotts is named on every map of the area I have seen on any scale, of any date. The Rent Charge book brought into focus the farm as it was 125 years ago. It brought to life one THOMAS DOSSON, and what he paid for every field, sized in acres, rods, and perches, to the notable local landowner William Whittaker Maitland. It was particularly attracted to a strange self-contained grassy-hedgy broadening of the track as it led into where the farm buildings had once stood, for the strip seemed to be almost intact in 1974. For this tiny haven of one rod and eight perches Dosson paid one shilling and ninepence each year. In 1850 it must have teemed with its daily rural activity. But Rhomas Dosson did not live here at Doves, and I have found no reference at all so far to the premises as such. The tenant farmer was proving an elusive man. Kelly's and White's County Directories of mid-nineteenth century years did not help much at first, for his name did not appear with those of other gentleman farmers of Loughton. I then recalled that he was also the tenant of another local landowners, Mrs. Hall-Dare, an Irish lady who appeared on the scene earlier in the century to become lady of the manor of Theydon Bois. Sure enough, when that parish was consulted his name was included with those of other farmers as early as 1848 and as late as 1868. The rector of the present parish church allowed me to search the records of births, and marriages, and deaths between 1717 and 1900, but the name of Dosson does hot occur. I