23. be the route for the acorns to be carried. More acorns remains were recently found in a hollow concrete flat roof being demolished and they were even further from the oak trees. I hope one day to catch Yellow- a mouse in the act Necked and to learn how they Mouse carry a large slippery Aloft! acorn up an eight foot wall, under a fourteen inch overhanging eave and into the loft! If any readers have any explanations I would be pleased to hear from them. ________________________________D. R. Scott____________ Weekend Courses at the City Lit Centre of Adult Studies, Stukeley Street, London WC2 (run by London University Extra Mural Department): WILDLIFE IN DANGER - 10-11 Jan 1976 A review of the world's vanishing wildlife and the reasons for its decline. An intensive course on wild- life biology and the conservation efforts on endangered species around the world. THEORIES OF CREATION - 21-28 Feb 76 Current theories of the origin of the universe, the planets, life, human life and human society. GEOLOGY - 13-14-20 Mar 76 Aims to give an understanding of the geology and structure of the Home Counties, with one day in the field. LICHENS - 27-28 Mar, 3-4 Apr 76 There are nearly 1500 known lichens in Britain. The course gives the foundations of classification, identi- fication, biology, and ecology of this important and varied group of plants. Includes field work. Full details may be had from the Principal of the college at the above address. Fee for each class £1.