25. considered renaming the group as a Tetrapod Group. This enables it to make herptiles the subject of its meetings as well as mammals. In closing I should like to thank all those people who contributed in any way to the group's activities in the past year with special thanks to those who arranged and led the meetings. _____________________________Trevor Lording__________ NEW MEMBERS The Club would like to extend a warm welcome to the following new members and we hope to see you at forth- coming meetings; Mrs J. Morley of Chelmsford. General interests. Miss B. S. D. Blott of Chelmsford. General interests. Mr W. J. Stichbury of Purleigh. Botany, beetles, fungi. Mr & Mrs Hogarth of Lt. Walham. General interest. Mr R. Earnshaw of Romford. Geology. Miss J. Balchin of Romford. General interest. Mr J. Cox of Harold Wood. General interest. Mr & Mrs Sims of Chelmsford. Birds and geology. Mr J. Keelan of Chelmsford. General interest. Mr P. B. Newman of Chelmsford. General interest. Mr P. J. Nevitt of Stock. General interests. Mr & Mrs J. R. Morris of Ongar. General interest. Mr N. Kiddier of Dagenham. General interest. Miss D. Turner of Romford. General interest. Mr. R. Turner of Rainham. Pond life. Mr P. Letheridge of Chelmsford. Botany, photography, ecc Mr L. Mantin of Romford. General interest. Mr & Mrs B. Ford of Romford. General interest. Mr A. P. Mcleish of Lt. Waltham. Bats and lepidoptera. Mr R. Verney of Ingatestone. General interest. Miss M. E. Hook of Chelmsford. General & bird watching. Mrs M. Hallett of Great Waltham. General interest. Mr P. Luke of Maldon. Botany. Mr & Mrs Bright of Braintree. General interest. Mr & Mrs M. Pooley, Basildon. Ornithology & local history Mr & Mrs C. Weller of Witham. General interest. Mr & Mrs P. Leswell of Mountnessing. Mammals, bot. & bird