28. ALL NIGHT MAMMAL MEETING 14th/l5th June Ten experienced "brock" watchers each took four people out to watch their favourite badger sett. The mode of watching varied from feeding badgers in a garden (Don Hunford) and watching them from the comfort of the living room, to the more conventional methods of squatting in the undergrowth or on a precarious tree- perch. Watchers from seven of the ten groups were successful in seeing or hearing badgers. , Most of the badgers emerged between nine-thirty and ten o'clock. By twelve-thirty everyone was tucking into hamburger rolls and soup in a lovely old timbered hall. This was followed by a most interesting lecture on badgers, delivered by Bob Cowlin, interrupted by frequent cries of "any one for another hamburger" from Trevor and David Scott. At two-thirty (a.m.!) each car load took a different route through the winding Essex lanes in order to observe nocturnal mammals the lazy way - in car head- lights. This produced two foxes, one live and several dead hedgehogs, owls, one live shrew and many cats. Nimble David Corke leapt from his vehicle to catch the shrew and could be seen proudly showing it off later that morning. We met up again at South Weald and explored the wood- lands and fields at dawn seeing at least 25 fallow deer. The meeting officially closed at five-thirty in the morning and only one energetic and totally insane naturalist (me!) returned for Dr. Chapman's deer catch later in the morning. Our thanks go to David Corke and all those involved for making the meeting such an enjoyable event. Ian P. Misselbrook