1. BOBRON'S EDITORIAL Welcome to another issue of the Field Club Bulletin. As we write this, Spring is nearly in the air. Leafless hedges are tinged in places with green and yellow where the hazel catkins are beginning to ripen and spread their pollen in the wind. On the ground below them the fresh green sheets of Dogs Mercury are already bearing flowers, tiny, green and insignificant they may be, but flowers all the same. At Great Leighs at this late end of February a small copse is white with snowdrops, while the leaves of the arum lily or cuckoo pint are beginning to uncurl. In fields the hares are to be seen racing zig-zag fashion and soon it will be time for their March madness before the crops put on a spurt and they are lost of view in the growing corn. We have a variety of articles for you. Our thanks to be authors concerned, also to Lydia Malim for an excellent cover illustration and to those others who supplied the sketches within. Please keep your articles and sketches coming in, ready for the Autumn issue. We look forward to meeting you all again during the coming months and wish you all a most interesting year. End of Bobron PRINCIPAL CONTENTS page Personally speaking - David Scott 3 Little Ringed Plovers at Chigwell - Peter Relph 7 Trees in Hylands Park - Tony Boniface 12 Book Reviews - David Corke 15 Reports of Meetings 25 Future Meetings summary 32 ---oOo---