3. PERSONALLY SPEAKING - DAVID SCOTT We continue below the occasional series of interviews published in the Bulletin. David Scott, as you will now be aware, is the Club Council's nomination for President. By the time you read this he may have indeed been elected. David is well qualified for the nomination: although probably our youngest President he has been an active member of the Club for fifteen years. He has served on Council, is an ex-chairman of the Mammal Group, has lead many meetings and written contributions to the Essex Naturalist. He lives near Chelmsford and works as an area manager for Haslers, a firm of agricultural merchants. He has a wife, Margaret, and two active young sons Julian and William. He is a good general naturalist, being especially interested, as many of you will know, in mammals, reptiles and insects. Bobron: Do you remember when you first joined the E.F.C. and who introduced you? David: In 196l after being a member of the British Naturalist's Association at Buckhurst Hill since 1953. A local friend of the family, Mrs C. Haskins, took me on the E.F.C. Fungus Foray in Autumn 1960. Bobron: How did you first become interested in reptiles and amphibians? David: Since boyhood days at Forest Edge, Buckhurst Hill, initially finding toads in drains at the age of three or four and later witnessing the toad migration to spawn in Knighton Wood Ponds. First encounters with reptiles in my early teens as I became more mobile. Bobron: Have you always been interested in Natural