4. History? David; Yes, my father always encouraged me by setting up Aquaria and Vivaria but I think the "bug" is really hereditary and must come out if it is there at all. Bobron: You have two young boys. Do they share your interests in wild life? David: Yes. My elder son Julian, seven years old, I think falls into question above. William, who is soon five, may not be quite so keen, being more interested in music and art, but perhaps its early days yet for him! I try to bring them up with a good broad spectrum encouragement but as mentioned before the in-born interests will out! Bobron: Turning now to your nomination for our next President. Do you plan any changes to characterise your period at the Club's helm? David: I don't envisage any sudden changes but I hope to encourage growth in Club membership which I feel is vital to keeping going, especially from the financial point of view. Bobron: What was your wife's reaction on hearing of your nomination?! David: My wife's remarks on hearing this suggestion were "Good gracious, you're not old enough!". Perhaps she associates Presidents with grey hairs. Well, I do have a few and I may perhaps have many more by the time my term of office is over! Bobron: Lastly, do you think farmers are wild life's friends, as they would have us believe, or foes as some would insist on telling us? David: The relation between farming and wildlife is